Good morning friends!
This weeks travel post is all about the gorgeous city of Amsterdam. I visited Amsterdam for the first time last year and really enjoyed it. At first I had so me reservations about adding Amsterdam to our itinerary. I have herd 'mixed' reviews about the city, its people and recreational activities. However we ended up having a fantastic time there.
The thing that probably surprised me the most about our visit was how physically beautiful the city was. Built along dozens of canals Amsterdam is incredible picture-esk and is filled with stunning architecture. If you know me you know I am obsessed with architecture so this city automatically became a real highlight for me!
Here I am with one of my friends Fraser, on one of hundreds of bridges in Amsterdam. (Note my shoes in this pic. I know you can nearly see them but they are my Seed Heritage sneakers I reviewed a few weeks ago. They are the perfect travel accessory. Check out my review here.)
Ok lets talk about the food for a minute. Amsterdam may be home to the worlds best waffles. And I do not make that statement lightly. Trust me I have had some impressive waffles in my day. But serious ALL the waffles we had whilst there where insanely good. ( I say 'all the waffles' because we may or may not have had about three servings a day! Lucky when we walked all day everyday !)
And the food didn't stop at waffles. I mean there are whole streets devoted just to cheese stores! Whats not to love about this city???
During our visit we ventured to the Anne Frank House/Museum. The line was long, probably about an hour wait to get inside but it was totally worth it. If you have read 'The diary of Anne Frank' or know anything about WWII you absolutely have to visit this incredible museum. The Frank families story is heartbreaking and fascinating. This museum will have you in tears people. But I seriously recommend it, it was fantastic and a real Amsterdam must do.
Overall we really loved our visit to Amsterdam! The city has amazing food, beautiful architecture and some seriously impressive history.
Have a great day friends!
Lou xxx
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