Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Life Lately

Hey there Tuesday! 

I'm still at home resting today but thought I should share a little bit of life lately. There hasn't been a whole lot going on since my speedy trip to NYC. But I'll take those slow, calm, wine filled weeks over chaos anytime ;) 

Beautiful Bangalow! 

Last Wednesday the stars aligned for my best friend and I, we managed to have a simultaneous day off, free of work and chores. So naturally, we bolted for the beach. We headed south to Byron Bay (one of my favourite day spots)  and then drove to Bangalow, a near by farm town with amazing views! 

While we where beach side, we hit up my favourite Mexican restaurant ever, Miss Margarita, for some lunch 

And a cheeky mid-day cocktail! It was fab! 

I posted this pic on Instagram last week. My Gilmore girls addiction has lead me to cook with the cast! I basically have the show on in the background permanently now #notsorry

This last week has seen me house sitting for friends. Along with the bird, fish, chickens, dog and cat, there are also three alpacas. Yes, you herd correct, alpacas! 

Thursday night was ladies night and that meant, wine, cheese, food and laughs. I'm so thank full for my sweet friends! 

And then the flu hit :( So this past weekend hasn't been all that exciting. Primarily noodles, Gilmore Girls and sleeping. Quite, cozy and cold tablet coma's! 

Here is to being back on my feet and a great week!


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