Wednesday 6 April 2016

April / May reading List

Yay for Wednesday!

Wednesday means we are half way through the week and the weekend is in sight! Today I'am sharing my April/ May reading list. As most of you will agree, we often promise ourselves 'I will really commit to reading ... may books this month' and then find ourselves surrounded by unread books and disappointment, when we don't finish them :( Instead I am keeping my reading lists open ended. So lets see how long these take me #ipromisetotrymybest 

This one is definitely not a serious read but I'am certainly looking forward to it. Jim Gaffigan is a NYC comedian and a favourite of my dad and I. I bought this book for my dad for his birthday and he loved it, so I'm keen for a good light hearted read. You can find it here!

I recently read Oprah's 'What I Know For Sure' and she mentioned that one of the best books she has ever read is A New Earth by Elkhart Tolle. And if Oprah says you should read something, you read it! That is just how it works! So this book is currently on its way to me. You can grab a copy of your own here! 

Last up, I have been recommended this book by a few people and have finally got my hands on a copy. The Battle Plan for Prayer, is a book designed to help people create their own prayer plan and find five minutes a day for themselves and God. I'm definitely excited to read this one because like so many people I know how hard it is to carve out 'me time'. If you are looking for some help in this department, check out this book here!

Have a wonderful day and happy reading! 

Lou xxx

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